Member Guidelines 2011




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The Washington Outboard Club has signed a lease with the Port of West Sacramento for the next 5 years.  As a part of that lease
we have agreed to accept a set of BOAT CLUB GUIDELINES as drafted and set forth by the Port.  The link below is to a PDF
file that contains the guidelines.  They include the hours that the WOC has access to entering and leaving the port.
It is suggested that you print these guidelines out and include them with your copy of the WOC Member Guidelines that
you were given when you joined the Club.




Welcome to the membership of the Washington Outboard Club.   Listed below are a few things we feel members should become aware of right away.  We strongly encourage you to READ THE CLUB BY-LAWS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  Meanwhile, please get familiar with the following items.

Meetings:  A General Membership meeting will be held the second Tuesday of each month at the West Sacramento VFW Hall at 7PM.  All members except disabled members are required to obtain two credits a year. Credits may be obtained by: attending a general membership meeting, (one credit per meeting) or volunteering your help for a club function, such as a Port clean up, helping at our Picnic, Striper Derby or similar functions where you can assist the club.  One credit only will be given for donating blood; our account number is #5392.  This number is on the bottom right of your membership card.  Just bring in or mail your donation receipt to the Secretary. Don't forget to sign in at meetings, you must sign in to get credit.  No check marks please, if you are unable to sign or print your name, then ask the person at the desk to print your name for you.  New members take special note, once you have been voted in at a General Membership Meeting and attended a Board Meeting to turn in your Enrollment form and pay your initiation fees and dues you still must get two credits.  The meetings you have attended so far do not count for credits. Our year is defined as the period between 1 June this year through 31 May next year. Executive Board Meetings.  These are held the third Tuesday of the month, also at the VFW Hall, at 6:00 PM in the side room.  At these meetings you may obtain extra stickers or a replacement sticker, a replacement key if you've lost yours.  We cannot do these items at the regular Membership Meetings.  Please don't ask us to.

You have been issued a key, a membership card and a sticker for your towing vehicle.  As you will read in the By Laws, keys must not be loaned out or duplicated.  Stickers must be placed on the lower left hand side of your windshield.  Membership cards must be presented when another member asks to see it.  Volunteering:  I can't begin to tell you how important the simple act of volunteering is to our organization. Volunteers are the backbone of our organization.  Without them our club could not exist.  You may possess a skill or trade or just have the time that could make or break a project that we may desperately need, presently or in the future.  Plus you meet new people, find new friends and most of all it gives you that feeling inside that you've made a difference to someone or some project that's in dire need.  The club will reward you with credits but that cannot compare with that feeling you get from helping others with club projects or maybe just helping someone launch their boat at the ramp.  Those simple little acts could mean a better day for some deserving person.

Our access to the Port must be made through the yellow gate on Industrial Blvd., just west of the Main Gate entrance.  The signs at the YELLOW IRON GATE are RIVERSIDE AGGREGATE and LABORERS TRAINING CENTER. DIRECTIONS after entering the gate are; make a right turn at the Laborers Training Center sign (just inside the gate) and follow the paved road around to the back of Riverside Aggregate and past the Training Center Parking area.  This will lead you to the graveled road down to our Boat Club facility.  The hours of operation of the Port are from 5:00 AM to 10:00PM.  Our entrance gate on Industrial Blvd. will be locked by Port Security personnel during the hours of midnight to 5:00AM.You may fish all night but you will not be able to leave the Port until 5:00AM when the gate is unlocked.  It is a good idea to notify someone that you will be fishing all night for emergency purposes, if not for safety.  It is not mandatory to notify Port Police unless you want them to know you are going to be in the area all night.  REMEMBER that you will not be permitted to enter or leave from midnight to 5:00 AM.  NO FIREARMS ARE ALLOWED.  

You will discover that there are three other clubs using our facility, they are:  UCD Rowing Club, River City Rowing Club and The Lake Washington Sailing Club.  You will find parking difficult at times, so please be patient and courteous at all times.  When you enter our closed compound, you will have to use your key to enter.  This lock is located inside a metal barrel to the right of the gate.  Don't forget to TAKE YOUR KEY OUT.  We've had quite a few members forget their key in the lock.  Also if you have problems with the lock, notify a club officer as soon as possible.  DO NOT ATTEMPT TO LUBRICATE THE LOCK WITH ANYTHING.   Once you have passed through the gate, lock the gate behind you.  DO NOT LEAVE THE GATE OPEN.  There will be times when there will not be any spaces available inside the gate and you will have to park outside, especially when the bite is on.   As you enter, the left side is designated a fire lane, no parking there please.  Signs are posted.

Ramp and Boat Operation,  no boats over 21 feet or 3500 lbs are allowed to launch on our ramp.  You will notice there are lines on each side of the ramp with buttons, this signifies the width of the ramp as it goes under water.  Also the upstanding pole you see,  on the left, attached to our dock signifies the end of the ramp.  When you are launching, especially at low tide, have your fishing partner watch to see that your trailer wheels do not go past the pole or you may go over the end of our or off the side of our ramp if you do not stay within the lines.  Speed limit inside the basin is 5 MPH.  That's from the locks at Jefferson Blvd. to Marker 86, just before the overhead power lines as you leave the basin and begin down the deep water channel.  The only vessels allowed to exceed this are the Port Tugboats, Sheriff's patrol boats, California Fish and Game and the U.S. Coast Guard.  Also, give right of way to sail boats and rowing boats and give them a no wake courtesy.  Occasionally you will see a rowing vessel with only one or two rowers, if they seem headed for you and are close, yell to let them know you are there or move your vessel to avoid a collision.  WHEN TRAVELING IN THE BASIN TOWARD THE LOCKS AT JEFFERSON BLVD, USE AN IMAGINARY CENTERLINE.  DO NOT GO CLOSER THAN 100 FEET TO SHIPS OR DOCKS.

WHENEVER YOU HAVE A CHANGE OF ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER OR HAVE PURCHASED A NEW BOAT OR VEHICLE YOU MUST NOTIFY THE SECRETARY IMMEDIATELY. We are tasked by the Port to provide them with a current list of members showing their addresses, vehicle license numbers and boat CF numbers.  DO NOT WAIT UNTIL RENEWALS.

Renewals, each year in the month of June we have renewals.  Normally we have two evenings at the VFW and one Saturday morning at the ramp.  You will be notified well in advance of the dates and times. If you are unable to make renewals you must have someone appear for you, with all the necessary documents and fees.  All members must renew during the designated dates and times or their membership will be terminated.

Elections for club officers and board members will be held in December

If you have any questions don't hesitate to call a club officer or board member.

Thank you,

From the office of the Secretary, Washington Outboard Club.

page last modified: 11/17/2011